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The New Encylopedia of Photography

The New Encylopedia of Photography

Vollständiger TitelThe New Encylopedia of Photography
Wertung 0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Aktueller Besitzer1pairofsocks (derzeit inaktiv)
Aktuelle Kosten 1 Punkt
AutorMark Edeards

you dnt have to be a genouis to tae prize winning photos or a budding millionaire to be abler to afford the eqiupment. Extremly sophisticaed camerea are now becoming increasinly available at affordable Prices so everyone has the opportunity to tae umbeaatable photos. all you Need is the now how.
this book focuses on all aspects of photography enabling both the novice and the experienced pgotographer to understand how caneras wor and how to get first class results.
here are hundreds of excellent professional tips all backed up by step by step illustrations to help you become a number one photographer

Angebote bei Amazon

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